Dr. Ransford Edwards, Assistant Professor
In your experience, what is the purpose of a conference? Professionalization and getting your ideas off your paper and into someone’s ears.
In your field, is it typical to deliver Poster Presentations or Oral Presentations?
In your field, do panelists typically read papers or speak without notes? There are some poster presentations, but it is not the norm. Panelists typically speak without notes.
In your experience, what is the responsibility of an audience member? The audience normally has some interest (or expertise) in the topic at hand. As such, a good audience tries to constructively challenge the assumptions, theories, or methodologies in an effort to help improve the research.
How would you describe your presentation persona? (or What is an effective presentation persona?) My persona may not be effective. I am normally quite animated, even moving around some. Effective presentations are well organized always reminding the audience of the larger “so what?” implications.
How do you handle performance anxiety? Hmmm, see #7
How do you 'network'? Be a good listener and give some gentle feedback after after the presentation. Don’t force it or be a creep about it. If you think it was cool, or perhaps found a blind spot, say so.
Any tips you normally give to first-time goers? Pause for a breath (or a drink). Trust me, what feel like an eternity of awkward silence is just a second or two. Finally, don’t take yourself too seriously. If it’s not going to be good, make it memorable.